The Blackjack Apprenticeship Podcast - Special Tribute to SassyRed

The Blackjack Apprenticeship Podcast - Special Tribute to SassyRed

Join Colin and BJA members Joe748, 'ScottCao', 'Paradigm', 'Livvy', Loudon Ofton, and 'Spartan' in a heartfelt tribute to the late Blackjack Apprenticeship member SassyRed. Discover how her dedication to the game led to success not only at the table but also in life.

BJA member and high stakes AP 'SD1' joins Colin to discuss topics submitted through the podcast's forum including: Knowing the toll a full time AP career can take, Travel hacks and more.


The Blackjack Apprenticeship Podcast - Special Tribute to SassyRed

About the Podcast

This podcast is no longer being updated. You can still access all of its episodes in the archive, but new content will not be added.

BJA Member 'SD1' is back to take on listener questions and share his insight into the reality of a full time advantage player's life including: Getting backed off at a casino, The toll the cat and mouse game takes on your mental health, The state of high stakes card counting today, Attending a bootcamp on a micro bankroll, And more!

Journey with 'DoubleTime' as they transition from movie inspired curiosity to a card counting maestro. Learn about their early struggles, the impact of the 2020 lockdown, and how dedication and smart gameplay lead to 6-figure incomes on the side.


A special BJA podcast episode features a heartfelt tribute to SassyRed, an influential member of the Blackjack Apprenticeship community. Contributions from Colin, ScottCao, Paradigm, DoubleTime, Nickels, Levimich, Loudon Ofton, Spartan, and more paint a picture of SassyRed’s impact both at the table and in life.

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The full time card counter and BJA member 'Markopolo212' joins Colin to discuss: Choosing to play cards in a casino, Dealing with the ploppy within and how to handle long term blackjack trips.

In this heartfelt episode of the podcast, BJA members pay tribute to the late SassyRed and share personal stories and memories about her impact at the table and in life. BJA members including Joe748, ScottCao, Paradigm, Levimich, and Nickels join Colin in celebrating this special BJA community member.

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Colin Jones got an education in math and started out his career as a teacher, but when he turned some of his seed money into blackjack and card counting, it changed the path of his financial future forever. His story of success is incredible. He's also the founder of Blackjack Apprenticeship, a website dedicated to training the next generation of card counters.

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Tales from the Felt

In this exclusive anthology, 21 of the most notorious card counters step out of the shadows and tell their true-life stories, both thrilling and thoughtful. Full of What-would-you-do(?) moments, these stories are brought to life with original full-color illustrations.

The first-person accounts include a heartfelt tribute to the late BJA member SassyRed by Colin, ScottCao, Paradigm, Levimich, nickels, Loudon Ofton, and silentassassin. Several other members of the community share their memories and experiences with her, giving listeners a vivid picture of her impact both at the blackjack table and in life.


Whether you’re a fan of blackjack, sports wagering or just casino gambling in general this podcast is for you. Listen for helpful hints and tips and stories from seasoned advantage players.

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In this episode, Colin and Joe748 explore the nitty gritty of transitioning from solo card counting to team play. From thrilling anecdotes to pragmatic advice on bankrolling teammates, this is an episode that’s sure to inspire anyone interested in taking their advantage playing to the next level 카지노사이트.


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